Kiko Tea Estate

Kiko Tea Estate, in Kabarole District, is the smallest of the Mcleod Russel Uganda estates and covers a total area of 529.83hectares. In 2022 Kiko Tea Estate produced 2,583,947kgs of made tea from all harvesting modes and 945,367kgs came from own leaf and 1,638,580kgs came from out-growers.

It currently produces three million kilos of 'Made Tea' using two CTC lines. Of this, one million tonnes is from its own crop and two million from outsourced leaf.

Kiko generally has a good climate with fairly well distributed rainfall throughout the year. The rainfall is bimodal with annual rainfall ranging from 1,200mm to 1,900mm. The climate is attributed to the Rwenzori range, the many surrounding forests like Kibaale and Semuliki Game Park and the many flowing rivers and streams. The temperatures range from 20˚C to 31˚C during the year although, in some months, temperatures fall below 19˚C.

Kiko Tea Estate

Tea plucking at Kiko Tea Estate

Kiko estate also manufactures its non-Rainforest Alliance accredited out grower leaf and markets it under the mark KIBALE.


Kiko — Facts & Figures
Land Usage Hectares
Under Tea 274.60
Eucalyptus 125.43
Natural Forest 107.98